Rooftop Waterproofing

Project Description

On October 2019, our company was awarded for the project of “Re-roofing by Polyurea Waterproofing System to the Main Roof of Shing Keung House in Kwai Shing East Estate” from Hong Kong Housing Authority. 

The works herein specified to carry out the re-roofing works for the main roof of Shing Keung House in Kwai Shing East Estate 

The waterproofing works were approx. 1100 m² to the main roof and the works was started on October 2019 and completed on January 2020. 

The works to be included removal of the existing defective floor tiles, make good the substrate, applying new PWS system (Polyurea Waterproofing System) and apply UV resistant top coat. We provided 5 years warranty for the waterproofing works in this project.